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A lire : Permanent Innovation

Dernier livre de Langdon Morris en téléchargement gratuit
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Innovation is the process of creating new ideas and turning them into new business value. 

Permanent Innovation is the process of doing it continuously, by developing an organizational culture that embraces innovation as a core value, practices innovation as a core methodology, and produces innovation as a consistent output.

The notion of permanent innovation may at first be startling, in that the concept of permanence implies stability and the absence of change, while the concept of innovation implies constancy of change and novelty. 

  Combining these two, however, yields an important hybrid, the practice of innovation not as an occasional occurrence, but as a regular process of value creation and organizational adaptation. Permanent innovation thus contrasts with random, intermittent, or one-shot innovation processes, none of which are sufficient in today’s markets.  In these times of accelerating change and increasing competition, Permanent Innovation is indeed an absolute necessity, and in fact these principles are contributing significantly to the success of leading companies around the world.

Regardless of the specific problems you face, you’re doubtless aware that in today’s global market environment of ever increasing competition, where companies you’ve never heard of are working hard to take away your customers, innovation is also essential to your company’s survival.

Which is why most executives find themselves thinking more and more about innovation, wondering how to increase the innovation performance of their own organizations, and looking for ways to improve their innovation process in the hope that it will also improve their innovation results.

The nature of competition today has now made innovation itself insufficient, because just having some ideas and bringing them to market does not assure the future.  What you need instead is Permanent Innovation, the process of innovating continuously by developing an organizational culture that embraces innovation as a core value, practices innovation as a core methodology, and produces innovation as a consistent output.

The goal of this book is to provide you with a complete overview of the essential strategies, principles, and practices of permanent innovation to help your company to become a permanent innovator, and perhaps even a leader.


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